Abstract (2004): Weblogs in Education – A Means for Organisational Change

Baumgartner, P., Bergner, I. & Pullich, L., 2004. Weblogs in Education - A Means for Organisational Change. In L. Zimmermann, ed. MApEC. Graz, pp. 155–166. 

Weblogs are one of the most discussed trends in business and education alike. From all these comments and publications it is clear that weblogs will have a bright future as a personal web publishing tool, but will they also invade the education and business areas? And more important: will their widespread use mean just another tool or a radical change? – The line of argument in this paper is twofold: On the one hand we will outline some major requirements for an advanced educational environment by showing that weblogs’ inherent features will map these pedagogical needs. On the other hand we will compare weblogs with other kinds of content management systems and we will strive to give evidence that weblogs have the intrinsic potential to revolutionise the organisational structure of traditional education.


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