Abstract (2014): The Potential of the Internet for Mathematics Education

Baumgartner, Peter. 2014. “The Potential of the Internet for Mathematic Education – MicroLearning, MOOC, OER, ePortfolio and Other Virtual Monsters.” R&E-SOURCE: Open Online Journal for Research and Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Für Niederösterreich). http://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/102.  

Baumgartner, Peter. 2014. “The Potential of the Internet for Mathematic Education - MicroLearning, MOOC, OER, ePortfolio and Other Virtual Monsters.” R&E-SOURCE: Open Online Journal for Research and Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Für Niederösterreich). http://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/102.

This paper outlines three prototypical modes of teaching and learning as well as their consequences for the design pf technology supported environments for Mathematics education. I distinguish between transfer of know-ledge (mode I), acquisition of knowledge (mode II) and construction of knowledge (mode III). Based on this theoretical framework I will develop the notion of the “competence helix” and show how to use technological tools and Learning Management Systems (LMS) for eLearning and Blended Learning.

As a sample demonstration for the usefulness of this approach I will explore in two case studies the potential of Mobile Learning respectively Microlear-ning for Mathematics education and the potential of the Internet for large scale collaboration on cutting-edge research in Mathematics.  


Baumgartner, Peter. 2014. “The Potential of the Internet for Mathematic Education - MicroLearning, MOOC, OER, ePortfolio and Other Virtual Monsters.” R&E-SOURCE: Open Online Journal for Research and Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Für Niederösterreich). http://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/102.
Titel: The Potential of the Internet for Mathematics Education (560 clicks)
Caption: Baumgartner, Peter. 2014. “The Potential of the Internet for Mathematic Education - MicroLearning, MOOC, OER, ePortfolio and Other Virtual Monsters.” R&E-SOURCE: Open Online Journal for Research and Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Für Niederösterreich). http://journal.ph-noe.ac.at/index.php/resource/article/view/102.
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