Baumgartner, Peter. 2014. “The Potential of the Internet for Mathematic Education - MicroLearning, MOOC, OER, ePortfolio and Other Virtual Monsters.” R&E-SOURCE: Open Online Journal for Research and Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Für Niederösterreich).
This paper outlines three prototypical modes of teaching and learning as well as their consequences for the design pf technology supported environments for Mathematics education. I distinguish between transfer of know-ledge (mode I), acquisition of knowledge (mode II) and construction of knowledge (mode III). Based on this theoretical framework I will develop the notion of the “competence helix” and show how to use technological tools and Learning Management Systems (LMS) for eLearning and Blended Learning.
As a sample demonstration for the usefulness of this approach I will explore in two case studies the potential of Mobile Learning respectively Microlear-ning for Mathematics education and the potential of the Internet for large scale collaboration on cutting-edge research in Mathematics.