Efficient R Programming – Book recommendation

The book "Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming" by Colin Gillespie & Robing Lovelace is a collection of very important resources. It is not only helpful for the advanced data scientist but also the intermediate and even R beginner can benefit a great deal from the book. It covers important R related everyday subjects and activities. Each self-contained chapter starts with 5 top five tips and discusses practical issues. The book is rich in internet references, which I have collected and presented in 10 link lists, divided by the book chapters.

Efficient R ProgrammingRelatively new to R I thought Efficient R Programming is not a book for me. But I was wrong! Title and subtitle ("A practical guide to smarter programming") suggested for me that the book is only for advanced programmers. If I am still a newcomer to R, my worries are not so much for efficient programming but to solve programming problems at all.

But if you have ever worked on two or three (small) projects with R, then the book will be very helpful. For instance, it covers in the second chapter important setup questions like updating R, installing and updating R packages, the location of startup files, installing and using RStudio, an important Integrated Development Environment (IDE). With maybe the exception of chapter 7 and 8 (Optimization and Hardware), the book presents many tips for everyday usage like tips search and select packages, to Input/Output routines, to coding style and last not least to effective learning resources.

Efficient R Programming

The book refers to a huge amount of relevant online material. I decided to collect all these links and present it to the interested reader. To help you with the menu, the following list presents the subject of all the chapters:

  • Chapter 01: Introduction
  • Chapter 02: Efficient Setup
  • Chapter 03: Efficient Programming
  • Chapter 04: Efficient Workflow
  • Chapter 05: Efficient Input/Output
  • Chapter 06: Efficient Data Carpentry
  • Chapter 07: Efficient Optimization
  • Chapter 08: Efficient Hardwar
  • Chapter 09: Efficient Collaboration
  • Chapter 10: Efficient Learning

A collection of Links from the book "Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming" by Colin Gillespie & Robing Lovelace (see also the repo at GitHub.)

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Von Peter Baumgartner

Seit mehr als 30 Jahren treiben mich die Themen eLearning/Blended Learning und (Hochschul)-Didaktik um. Als Universitätsprofessor hat sich dieses Interesse in 13 Bücher, knapp über 200 Artikel und 20 betreuten Dissertationen niedergeschlagen. Jetzt in der Pension beschäftige ich mich zunehmend auch mit Open Science und Data Science Education.

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