Last week (Juli 3rd-5th) we hosted at our department the 1st Worldconference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages of Societal Change (PURPLSOC). This articles is a first (positive) review of the conference and tries to detect and enumerate elements responsible for the success of the conference. The 2nd PURPLSOC World-Conference will tale place in San Francisco from 28th-30th October 2016.

Participants of the PURPOLSOC-Conference 2015: 3rd-5th July at Danube University Krems.
Participants of the PURPOLSOC-Conference 2015: 3rd-5th July at Danube University Krems.

Last week (Juli 3rd-5th) we hosted at our department the 1st Worldconference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages of Societal Change (PURPLSOC). It is always suspicious if the organizer himself praises his own event: But nonetheless I really believe that the conference was a great success!

Review of PURPLSOC 2015: Success factors

We still have to evaluate all the feedback we've got in the closing session but I think there were several attributes of the conference responsible for the success:

  • Excellent Keynotes inspired the participants
  • Interesting talks with lot of discussion time amplified understanding of different approaches and helped to come to know each other
  • Holistic conference design and appearance (purple everywhere, socks…) created community feeling
  • Games organised by the experienced Multi Medium Artist George Platts eased the conference atmosphere and helped to make personal contacts
  • Warm, sunny weather and surroundings (Unesco Heritage Region)
  • Last not least: The wonderful support and care of my team created a cosy and comfortable atmosphere for the participants.

At first we were pretty nervous because we calculated with the double or tripple amount of participants. Instead of 50 participants we expected about 120-150 attenders of the conference. But the feedback pointed in another direction: Most participants were happy that the group was not to big, so that they could get in touch with everybody the wanted and did not miss many talks because of plenty parallel tracks.

Next PURPLSOC: 28th-30th Oct. 2017 in San Francisco

All members of the conference team are now on their deserved holidays. When they come back we will start post-processing and follow-up of the conference. We will report on these activities through our newsletter and I will also write a short comment as weblog article.  But one important date I do want already announce: The 2nd World PURPLSOC-Conference will be hosted by Prof. Hajo Neis and held in San Francisco on October 28th-30th 2016. 2017 the conference will be return to Danube University Krems again.

Von Peter Baumgartner

Seit mehr als 30 Jahren treiben mich die Themen eLearning/Blended Learning und (Hochschul)-Didaktik um. Als Universitätsprofessor hat sich dieses Interesse in 13 Bücher, knapp über 200 Artikel und 20 betreuten Dissertationen niedergeschlagen. Jetzt in der Pension beschäftige ich mich zunehmend auch mit Open Science und Data Science Education.

6 Antworten auf „PURPLSOC 2015“

Sehr geehrter Hr. Dr. Baumgartner,

habe leider zu spät von der Veranstaltung erfahren und freue mich auf die newsletter dazu.
Die Lektüre des Buches von Hrn. Leitner – Mustertheorie -hat mich begeistert und ich würde mich gerne in meiner Masterarbeit (Energie Consulting) damit weiter auseinandersetzen.

mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sebastian Josef Unger

Schade, dass Sie es verpasst haben. War wirklich ein tolles Event!

Sind Sie bezüglich Newsletter auf unserer PURPLSOC-Seite schon angemeldet? Oder soll ich das bei uns intern weiterleiten?

Bitte intern weiterleiten. DANKE im voraus.

Wie erwähnt, würde ich mich gerne in meiner Masterarbeit in das dem Thema vertiefen. Über einen persönlichen grundsätzlichen Austausch (telefonisch oder ich komme auch gerne nach Krems) wäre ich sehr dankbar.
Wäre das möglich?

Dear Professor Baumgartner!

I can definitely confirm that it was a great conference, at least for the opening day, which I was able to visit on behalf of the city council of Krems. I heard an excellent keynote by Mr. Leitner, took part in the George Platts session and was able to have some very interesting discussions. Do you happen to know if there is a photo gallery of the conference somewhere to be found on the web? Thanks in advance.

All the best

Thanks for your nice comment. And again: Thank you on behalf of the major of the city krems for supporting the conference!

Yes there is a photo gallery available. It is open for the registered participants of the conference. I will mail you the necessary details for access at the beginning of next week.

Kind regards

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